The Awakening: Who Am I?

My journey started a long time ago with this simple question “Who am I ?”. As an engineer and project manager in the aeronautics fields, my life appeared stable and successful on the outside. I had a secure job, a steady income, and a clear career trajectory. Yet, despite these outward markers of accomplishment, I felt an inexplicable void inside. I was going through my life instead of living it, going to work, going to parties, walking without meaning.

During those years, on the professional side the projects I managed, while technically fulfilling, often left me feeling disconnected and uninspired. On the personal side at almost 30 years old I was in a relationship, and I thought that the next life step for me was to have a child as I already finished my study, had a job, a good situation. What was the possible next step ???

But in 2015 an event shook me a lot, made me reach my bottom and from that point I saw two options :

  • End up this life OR 
  • Reply to this question “Who am I?”

As you imagined I took the 2nd option. I recognized the importance of understanding my true self, beyond the labels and roles imposed by my profession. This choice ignited a desire for growth and transformation

Traveling Towards Discovery

From there my life started. In 2017 I felt the call to set out for Nepal to discover Buddhism. A land renowned for its majestic mountains and deep-rooted spirituality. Those mountains invited reflection and introspection. I traveled solo for 2 months in Asia, and it was the best, most profound and spiritual trip that I ever made.

However, this journey was not just a personal endeavor; it opened my eyes to broader environmental issues that plague our planet. The striking disparity between the pristine natural beauty of the Himalayas and the detrimental effects of plastic pollution was jarring. It was during these moments of realization that I decided to take action. I began volunteering with an organization dedicated to raising awareness about environmental concerns and promoting sustainable practices. This experience became a catalyst for change, igniting a passion within me to advocate for a healthier planet.

Why I’m telling that ?

Because it was the first time, I was trying something different from my current field, I was without knowing it testing the skills I have and the ones I could develop. From my volunteer experience in this association, I end up being a consultant in this field creating workshops and seminaries to raise awareness about climate change, biodiversity issues for schools and companies. I also had the opportunity to create an event called “Le Grand Defi” that was a swimming competition to collect rubbish in the mediterranean sea. 

From these experiences I started to understand what my potential was. I’m good at listening people and adapting myself to my public needs. I also discovered my creativity skills, my ease to start from a blank page and my social skills to connect easily with people. 

Listening to My Body: The Call for Change

In 2018 after a breakup, a project was born. Crossing the Atlantic Ocean with a sailing boat and traveling in South America. It took me another breakup and a ton of signs from my body to finally the 6th of November 2021 make this project real. I sold everything I had in France and started my sailing journey this day. Goodbye Home. 

During this voyage, I sought various holistic practices that promised not just healing but a deeper understanding of self. Among these, ayahuasca ceremonies offered profound insights into my psyche and emotional patterns. Each experience was revelatory, allowing me to confront the unresolved emotions that had long resided within me, bridging my mental state and physical essence.

In addition to this introspective journey, I participated in workshops focused on non-violent communication. The principles of this approach illuminated how vital it is to listen, not only to others but also to oneself. Through these workshops, I developed a nuanced understanding of how to articulate my needs and emotions, creating a foundation for healthier interpersonal relationships and a stronger connection with my body. The integration of these practices nurtured an evolving self-awareness, empowering me to embrace vulnerability as part of the healing process.

This evolving relationship with my body and emotions nurtured resilience and opened new pathways for personal growth, marking the beginning of my commitment to holistic coaching. The extensive healing journey has shaped my understanding of human experience, thereby fostering a deeper appreciation for the significance of listening to oneself.

Becoming a Holistic Coach: Unlocking Potential

My journey toward becoming a holistic coach has been an enlightening and transformative experience, deeply rooted in a desire to help others unlock their unique potential. Through my experiences, I have come to understand that each individual possesses inherent gifts waiting to be explored and shared with the world. My own journey has been and still all about finding my gifts and using my healing power. Holistic coaching is centered on the belief that every person is a complex being, influenced by their emotions, thoughts, and surrounding environments. This perspective has shaped my approach to guiding others on their paths toward healing and self-discovery. Help them to be who they truly are, being authentic!!

I’m here to guide you on your journey of exploring and uncovering your inner nature. 

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